Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Big Yellow Idler

Looking back, the yellow school bus provided pages and pages of childhood memories. I remember waiting in the freezing cold Colorado mornings for the bus to turn the corner so I could board and get the feeling back in my toes. I remember the windows that never quite went up or down all the way. And of course, the smell. Why is it that school buses always had that distinct smell!?!

The smell buses are better know for now are their emissions! But the EPA hopes to scrub the air clean of that. The National Idle-Reduction Campaign hopes to spread school to school and encourage bus drivers to turn off their engines while they wait for kids to load and unload in their masses. What better way to teach the future how to properly take care of the earth, than by showing them!

The EPA knows that idling buses are bad for the environment, a waste fuel and money, and are a cause for concern when it comes to the health of drivers, students and teachers. The catch is, that they need our help. They've provided all the tools you need to begin your own Idle-Reduction Campaign in your school district.

Just go to their website or direct:

Friday, July 25, 2008

Boho Cometh!

I always love when a great new green idea finds me and I don't have to go searching for it. Well, this was exactly the case when in my inbox I had a message about Boho magazine. I have gained a whole new respect for high fashion with this magazine that not only spotlights eco-designers, but prints its entire magazine on recycled paper with soy inks. Yes, yes. I think I'm in love. And, as you may have guessed, it takes more than outward appearances to impress me. That being said, Boho nurtures a woman's needs to be beautiful and eco-conscious inside and out.

For you fashionistas out there, you are probably already familiar with and it's founder/stylist Gina La Morte. As if she weren't already fantastic enough, she is adding to her resume Boho; the first American Magazine to be founded by a U.S. stylist, and the first fashion magazine to cater to Mother Earth by being 100% recycled. You go girl!

Boho Magazine hits newsstands on August 12th. 10% of the net proceeds of Boho go to environmental and humanitarian charities. For more info or to get a subscription go to

Thursday, July 24, 2008

This News is Good News..

No news is good news, or at least the story goes. I did however recently discover Grist; a news blog focusing on environmental news and seasoned with a sense of humor. That in itself is good news!

Grist covers all the same categories as your daily paper or online news source. There are discussions and articles on politics, lifestyle, energy, parenting, and even celebrities. I even found myself shamelessly reading an article entitled, "The Hot Rancher Speaks." And yes, he was hot! I tried to read his answers to very important environmental questions but found the pictures distracting.

Grist makes catching up on the news a more enjoyable experience and I will definitely be on top of the world issues now that I've hooked into their RSS feed!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

One Man's Trash....

I don't often make it down to Long Beach but I'm always down for exploring a new creative spot. A new shop opened by Lisa Hernandez definitely struck my curiosity. Modeled after the Scrap in San Francisco and the East Bay Depot for Creative ReUse in Oakland, The Long Beach Depot for Creative ReUse is home to junk... and lots of it. To all you eco-crafters this is right up your alley. You'll find vintage junk, misprinted items, corks, bottle caps, and list goes on and on. The best part is it's cheap. A 20 spot could buy you bags and bags of stuff! This is recycling at its very best. If you are in the area, or even if your aren't, be sure to check out The Long Beach Depot for Creative ReUse in the new East Village Arts District.

The Long Beach Depot for Creative ReUse
320 Elm Ave
Long Beach, CA 90899
(562) 437-9999

For more press:


Press Telegram

Long Beach Green Guide

Friday, July 18, 2008

Shower the Way Mother Earth Intended!

I love nothing more than a nice long shower. But a lot of bath products out there defeat the purpose of my behind-the-curtain spa time with their additives, preservatives and such. I was lucky to meet Kasey Evick, co-owner of Biggs & Featherbelle, when I recently attended the Renegade Craft Fair. She and her sister, Kelly, have created an entire line of all natural body products; soap, lotion, lip balm. You know, all the stuff girls really dig. If we used this kind of soap growing up I wouldn't have fear the warning of a mouth be washed out!

You die-hards out there, myself included, will be glad to hear; not only are the products all natural, but you could practically eat their brochures and packaging with use of recycled papers and soy inks. I bought the cutest little gift set for my friend who was dog-sitting my boston terrier. Now, I find myself gazing longingly at their website. I know I won't escape the weekend without a purchase!!!

To fully grasp what I'm ranting about, visit their website:

Thanks Kasey & Kelly for making the shower a greener place!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mo' Money Mo'

The Maloof's hosted their first annual Maloof Money Cup over the weekend. The event was a huge success with great talent and the biggest money cup in skatebaording history! The show airs this Sunday, July 20th at 12PT/3ET. The title on your direct TV menu will say "skateboarding." That's right! Skating boarding on CBS. I can hardly believe it! Thanks go out to the Maloof's for giving skatboarding a proper platform on a national network! And props to WINDOWSEATpictures who always deliver top notch action sports programming.

To watch the trailer visit this link:

or catch more info on the event at:

Monday, July 14, 2008

Renegade: We heart you!

Wow! Renegade showed us how a craft fair should be! This weekend was fabulous. Alicia & Brad of Hi Octane Jewelry and myself (Leah of Peez & Ques) had a great time in San Francisco while participating in the first annual west coast Renegade Craft Fair. We arrived back in Oceanside last night around 4 am. It may be sleep deprivation, but I'd like to think this giddy fuzzy feeling in my head is the crafty high I'm still feeling from two days of creative bliss!

The vendors who joined us at the for the event were really quite outstanding. So much creativity, quality and attention to detail. There were handmade and naturalbody products by Biggs & Featherbelle, hand sewns satchels by Blissful, representation by the Los Angeles and Sacramento Craft Mafias and topped off with veggie burgers and vegan almond icecream! Really so much talent. If you haven't already, cruise by the Renegade website and browse its vendors' websites.

And, just when we thought we could love the Renegade event any more, they brought in the band. Not just any band...Mucca Pazza, a punk inspired marching band. By the way Mucca Pazza, I think we are all very curious what your rehearsals must be like. I'm guessing organized, fantastic chaos... you must You Tube that for us!!!

To all the vendors at Renegade, it was an absolute pleasure. You were all superb, and friendly to boot! I do hope to bump into you all again soon!

Enjoy these pics from Alicia and Leah of the Oceanside Craft Mafia:

Monday, July 7, 2008

Renegade: Finally Hittin' the West!

We are glad to announce the Rengade Craft Fair hosts its first annual "west side" event this month at Fort Mason in San francisco. To say Renegade's arrival to the West Coast was highly anticipated would be a gross understatement! Events in Chicago, and New York boasts hundreds of applicants and tens of thousands of shoppers! The San fransisco event is sure to hold its own with Renegade's recognition amongst crafters, artists and those who support handmade.

California is a big state, but if you are in San Fransisco, plan to be, or up for a flight or road trip, The Renegade Craft Fair will not disappoint. You'll find the Oceanside Craft Mafia representin' the O.C. Look for founding members, Alicia and Leah at their booth for HiOctane Jewelry and Peez & Ques recycled stationery. They'll be selling goods galore, but only in between trips outside to take in the amazing views of the Golden Gate Bridge!

The San Fransisco Renegade Craft Fair will be held Saturday and Sunday, July 12 and 13th from 11 am to 7 pm at the Fort Mason's Festival Pavilion. For more information check out